ColyaKooTees by François Carrier
In recent years François Carrier have created a many spontaneous drawings. In fact, as soon as he has a few moments, at the cafe, on the bus or in a queue, he makes blinfolded spontaneous drawings on his iPhone without any thinking. The idea is to make a single stroke and close the loop. If the result turns out to be interesting, then he keeps adding a couple of details.
- Our T-shirts are all available now for men and women. We will process your order as soon as the payment is done.
- Cost for each is 25$ to 30$. Shipping and packaging cost not included.
- All prices are in Canadian dollars.
Au cours des récentes années, François Carrier a créé des centaines de dessins spontanés. Aussitôt qu’il en a le temps, au café, dans l’autobus ou dans une file d’attente, il dessine les yeux fermés sur son iPhone en ne pensant à RIEN. L’idée est de faire un seul trait et de fermer la boucle. Si le résultat s’avère intéressant, il garde puis ajoute quelques détails.
- Tous nos T-shirts sont maintenant disponibles. Nous vous enverrons votre (vos) T-shirts de première qualité dans les plus brefs délais.
- Le coût pour chaque T-shirt est de 25$ à 30$. Frais de transport et de manutention en sus.
- Tous les prix sont en dollars canadiens.

John Edwards
London-based acoustic bassist

El Pricto
Alto saxophonist, owner of Discordian Records

Rafal Mazur
Acoustic bass guitarist from Krakow, Poland.

Pawel Sokołowski
Friend, saxophonist & jazz lover
On the road again!
One of the most interesting aspects of travelling while playing music is meeting and sharing with new people of all cultures. Wow! We met Pawel Sokołowski in Lodz, Poland in May 2016. He invited us to stay at his place and he put a lot of joyful energy into organizing our concert which resulted in a unique and intense night of improvised music. Pawel bought 2 of my T-shirts and he recently sent me this nice picture of him somewhere in his hometown. We want to thank Pawel and his wife Silwia for being our hosts both in 2016 and 2017. We will definitely be back in Poland for more concerts and I will bring some of my new tees. Yahoooo!!!Yahoouuu!!!!

François Carrier